First of all, THANKS to everyone who contributed to the float for the parade. I know the people who decorated it had a good time, and those of us who were in the parade had a lot of fun. I think we sang "I Put Music in My Life Today" 150 times or so during the parade, and the line from "Tomorrow" certainly fit the weather...(the sun 'll come out, tomorrow...)! Yes, the weather was cloudy, but the rain subsided right before the parade, and stayed at bay all day. I was so grateful that it warmed up and we were able to sing on the family stage in very pleasant conditions with NO coats on. We had a little technical difficulty with the IPOD arrangement for accompaniment, but once we sang, it all went well. We had about half of our singers there to sing, but they did a fine job. Thanks to everyone for your support in our last performance of this season. See you in September!!!
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Sherwood Children's Chorus |
Footnotes Girls Choir |