I'm very excited to begin a new choir season. As I narrowed the music down, I noticed a theme evolved of hopes and dreams. I'm glad that there is somewhat of a thread going through the concert; now I'll just have to figure out how it all will work in the concert format!
Rehearsals CD's-I have to thank Robyn Folsom for learning 4 of the 6 kids choir songs, and for helping me record them. We were lucky to have John Barrow available and willing to engineer the recording on his snazzy equipment, and also for Cindy Souza learning the accompaniments and doing a smack bang up job in recording with us! Robyn, John and Cindy are all part of the Sherwood Chorale-and they are a great resource to me!
Children's Chorus
Robyn Folsom came and performed the songs with me for the kids. That was a lot of fun, and it was great to have our accompanist Jenny Arave back with us as well. We started on the songs by working on sections of the music that were the same or similar. They did a good job at listening and echoing back to me. I was pleasantly surprised at how many kids wanted to learn harmony and sing part 2, and that they wanted to keep singing when I was ready to move on to the next song! That's a good sign! Whew, they liked the music!
The music I chose for this group is much more challenging than last fall. It has serious harmony, and it will require practice at home to achieve. I'm grateful that Rachel will be helping me this term again, and I'm looking forward to mentoring her and giving her some opportunities to learn and teach.
So, for one of the songs I was pondering how to teach the concept of subdividing the "beat" into 3 instead of the usual 2 or 4. I thought of the divisions that are obvious in a Hersheys bar, so I made some magnetic visual aids to illustrate the point. Well, silly me, after I made them I got around to checking out my white board, and it wasn't magnetic! Drats. So I went to 2 construction surplus stores here in Sherwood and they had no scrap metal, (I did discover that I could donate my remodeled bathroom's pedestal sink and toilet there though! HA), then I went to Home Depot to check out their metalic paint, but it was too expensive and too much work. Then I had a whim to stop by Walt's Appliance, and rather timidly I asked if they had any old appliance metal they were recycling. He came back a few minutes later with a dishwasher front! I asked him how much he wanted for it and he said, " it's FREE, I was just going to recycle it". I said "cool, I'll take it!" So, as I drove away, I chuckled at how ridiculous I would look taking that panel to choir with the Frididaire label on it, but I didn't have a better option. When I got home, my husband and I had a good laugh, and then he disappeared into our shop, and I heard a lot of pounding going on. When he emerged, the label was gone, and the sides were pounded flat, and it looked very respectable. What a guy! 3 Cheers for Walt's, a handy husband and a little perseverance!

This shows a pattern of 4 beats
Subdividing the beat--equals 8th and 16th notes--but we will make that transition later.
Dividing into 3 subdivisions, or triplets.
We actually counted and "read" these and other rhythms created on the board.
The girls clapped and counted the Hershey Bar notation.
Sherwood Chorale
It was a great reunion to see everyone again, and to welcome a few new members too. We listened to recordings of the music and sightread through the songs. I wrote a little song that we recorded that evening for a video that we would record the next week. It was a pretty fun project. John Barrow took the recording mixed it, added some clapping and got it ready for us to use when we video taped. More on that later!!! It's great to be back at it, this is going to be a good season!